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Stories About Brand Strategy

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US Demand for CSOs Grew 228% in 10 Years, But Diversity Remains a Challenge
US Demand for CSOs Grew 228% in 10 Years, But Diversity Remains a Challenge

LEADERSHIP - The good news: According to a new report from the Weinreb Group, hiring of Chief Sustainability Officers surged in 2020 in the US, and women now account for 54% of CSO positions. The not-so-good news: The field remains overwhelmingly white.

Decoding Ocean Plastic for Brands: Small Details, Big Impacts
Decoding Ocean Plastic for Brands: Small Details, Big Impacts

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - While the terminology soup of recycled plastic sourcing is daunting, at the end of the day every ton of plastic recycled and put back into a circular economy is part of the solution. The key for brands is to be clear and honest in communications with customers.

How to Effectively Visualize Sustainability in Our New, More Empathetic World
How to Effectively Visualize Sustainability in Our New, More Empathetic World

MARKETING AND COMMS - There is an urgent need to move the visual language of sustainability forward, so being able to represent both technological and societal progress is key.

Value-Engineered Packaging: Does Your Packaging Reflect Your Brand Values?
Value-Engineered Packaging: Does Your Packaging Reflect Your Brand Values?

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Consider working with a packaging engineer the next time you release a new product or as you take steps to make your brand more sustainable. Customised packaging solutions create less waste, fewer emissions, and more savings to pass on to your customers. 

Unilever Redefining ‘Normal’ with New ‘Positive Beauty’ Strategy
Unilever Redefining ‘Normal’ with New ‘Positive Beauty’ Strategy

MARKETING AND COMMS - Unilever is eliminating the word “normal” from all of its beauty and personal care brands’ packaging and advertising, championing a new era of beauty that is equitable and inclusive, as well as sustainable.

Palm Oil — Redeeming an ‘Evil Crop’
Palm Oil — Redeeming an ‘Evil Crop’

SUPPLY CHAIN - In this excerpt from his new book, **Honor Thy Label**, **Dr. Bronner's** **Gero Leson** shares the company's years-long journey to establishing a stable supply chain for fair trade, organic palm oil.

SB’21 Asia-Pacific: In Asia, the Time for a Sustainable Recovery Is Now
SB’21 Asia-Pacific: In Asia, the Time for a Sustainable Recovery Is Now

THE NEXT ECONOMY - In many parts of Asia, COVID-19 is relatively under control; and the focus is on recovery. How the region responds, and how much companies push for a sustainable post-pandemic economy could influence the entire world, due to Asia’s place as the global driver of innovation and change.

What Does It Really Mean to Call ‘Society’ Your Stakeholder?
What Does It Really Mean to Call ‘Society’ Your Stakeholder?

LEADERSHIP - For Sweden and its business leaders, an inclusive society and economy is both a matter of principle, and a source of resiliency and success over the long term. Of course, we’re not all Swedish — so how can others adopt the same mindset?

Rally Around One Purpose. Millions of Customers at a Time.
Rally Around One Purpose. Millions of Customers at a Time.

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - Only 38% of companies self-report as being customer-committed; and therein lies the problem: The challenge isn’t *having* a purpose, but *living* that purpose. Here are 4 ways to ensure a customer-centered purpose impacts the very people it was intended to.

Why Brands Need Purpose to Survive, Now More Than Ever
Why Brands Need Purpose to Survive, Now More Than Ever

WALKING THE TALK - We believe there is a purpose-profit loop, where conscious companies have better odds of actually creating more impact *and* more profit. Here is why brands need steadfast purpose to not just survive, but thrive, in a society where change is the only constant.

McDonalds’ McPlant Burger and the Evolution of the ‘Purpose Wash’ Debate
McDonalds’ McPlant Burger and the Evolution of the ‘Purpose Wash’ Debate

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - To be effective, sustainability and purpose work should create positive business change, not positive media stories. They are management tools, not PR initiatives. So, should brands stop communicating until they’ve got something concrete to say?

Research: In a Post-COVID 2021, Fashion Will Trend Toward Sustainability
Research: In a Post-COVID 2021, Fashion Will Trend Toward Sustainability

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Based on research conducted by the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol in 2020, here are three trends we can expect from the apparel industry — as we emerge from COVID-19 and toward a more sustainable future.

Strategies for Scaling Ocean Plastic Supply
Strategies for Scaling Ocean Plastic Supply

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Brand commitments are the engine driving recycled plastic’s transition to scale. Making recycled plastic content part of your brand story is hands down the most important way to move the needle.

Incomplete Risk Formulas Are Risky Business
Incomplete Risk Formulas Are Risky Business

NEW METRICS - Even a broken clock is right twice a day. But standard formulas for calculating risk leave out critical factors — such as vulnerability and submerged risks — that would more holistically and accurately assess risk. A new model addresses this.

Oatly’s Big Gaffe: Straying from Its Brand Purpose
Oatly’s Big Gaffe: Straying from Its Brand Purpose

MARKETING AND COMMS - If Oatly had taken Blackstone’s money, put it on a billboard, and made it known to all of its customers that its next mission was to change the world of ‘big bad investment’ from the inside out, it would’ve remained true to its brand story.

How to Future-Proof Brands and Create Culture Change in Challenging Times
How to Future-Proof Brands and Create Culture Change in Challenging Times

MARKETING AND COMMS - Day 2 of the SB Leadership Summit saw a host of intimate discussions on the power of teamwork to drive change toward a better future — as seen in the relationships between top brands’ CMOs and CSOs, the many brand partners fueling SB’s Brands for Good initiative, and making “what people need” a core brand focus.

Lest We Forget: We Already Have a Blueprint for Safe, Healthy, Post-COVID Future
Lest We Forget: We Already Have a Blueprint for Safe, Healthy, Post-COVID Future

BUSINESS CASE - This pandemic throws a spotlight on the interdependencies between business, nature and society. It may be tempting right now, when it is hard to see beyond the next few weeks, to dismiss the SDGs as a distraction. But they have been described as a “crowd-sourced purchase order from the future” *precisely because* they offer a tremendous business opportunity.

How to Fix Foresight in This ‘New Normal’
How to Fix Foresight in This ‘New Normal’

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - COVID-19 has fragmented the future. Your best-laid plans may lie broken. But it is possible to bring order to a world of multiple, uncertain futures; and lay the groundwork for the reset we need.

How Being a Benefit Corporation Can Legally Protect a Company’s Mission
How Being a Benefit Corporation Can Legally Protect a Company’s Mission

WALKING THE TALK - The rise of the benefit corporation is in direct response to shareholder primacy. Under benefit corporation frameworks governed by state law, corporations that operate according to a “doing well by doing good” ethos may be shielded from a range of acquisition tactics and shareholder suits.

The 3 Pillars of a Conscious Organisation
The 3 Pillars of a Conscious Organisation

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - A conscious organisation accepts that there are limits to profit and that it should not be the priority. This change is about future-proofing your organisation. It’s not an ‘if’ question — it’s ‘when.’
