Improving the Rails Conductor for Inbound Emails & ActionMailbox Discussion
Is there a pull request into rails for this we can see?
will postedIs there a pull request into rails for this we can see?
will postedNice works
NG DAVID repliedHello, I wonder if anybody has some thoughts on how to do this. I need to rewrite an iFrame app that runs embeded in various websites so that it runs as a js app in a div rather than an iFrame. ...
will postedAny more thoughts on this? it would be really great if you do a screencast with Algolia places search using StimulusJS.
Srinivasa Varma D repliedI didn't realize you had to delegate the current_user. per this:
spacerobotTR repliedWould love this episode revised with Stimulus.
Marcos Filho repliedHey George, Yes. Jumpstart pro comes with an API setup that makes it easy to get started with someting like a React Native frontend. I'm actually building a React Native app for my app as well. ...
William Kennedy repliedThese four may be quite good for a beginner (free courses): Apache Spark Fundamentals Spark Starter Kit Scala and Spark 2 Python and Spark: Setup Development Environment Learn information system...
Zach Swedberg repliedHi, Not sure if this is the right place for a question like this but I'm wondering if anyone has any examples on how to easily extract (and display) some Key Performance Indicators from a running ...
Demetrios postedI'm still downloading this episode right now, but I want to answer your question in your email 'Should we do more refactoring and talking about how to write clean code in the future?'. And my answe...
Tito Brahmanto repliedI wonder how to use this kind of form with active storage with S3. Anyone have any ideas?
Carl Tanner repliedIt works! I had to add a form_for block in the view and pass the pricingclassification object. <%= form_for :pricing_classification do |f| %> <%= f.label :pricing_classif...
Samantha O replied • SolvedSilly me... added it to my Appraisals file: appraise "rails-6-0" do gem "rails", "~> 6.0" gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.4" end appraise "rails-5-2" do gem "rails", "~> 5.2" gem "sqlite3",...
julianrubisch repliedFor some reason Cloudfront sends files with "text/html" where as the origin server is sending it correctly. I am getting a warning from chrome `Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred wi...
Abhishek Srivastava repliedI'm using elasticbeanstalk with ruby 2.6 that comes with passenger 4.0.60. I'm having issue with connection eastablishment. I did some research on the internet then I found that action cable suppo...
Shivashish Singh repliedThey test Jumpstart's functionality. You're free to recreate them in rspec too. If you want everything that's built with your favorite tools, Jumpstart Pro is not the template for you. Jumpstart P...
Chris Oliver repliedYou need to keep it. It manages the configuration. 👍
Chris Oliver replied • Solved