How to setup Deno with Neovim's COC
Hi, I am using Neovim, COC with LSP. I installed Deno for Javascript. It is Plug 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer' Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp' Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' Plug ...
phq postedCan you help me out where is the knowledge gap in my skills?
I was at the last stage of for a full stack JS role. I was asked to do a technical challenge and I think my solution to that was not met the expectation. I decided to learn more details about react...
Scott104 postedUncaught Error: If you load both jquery_ujs and rails-ujs, use rails-ujs only.
I have a rails 6.1 application that uses jquery. Here is how I'm importing it in my config/webpack/environments.js file: $: 'jquery/src/jquery', jQuery: 'jquery/src/jquery', jquery: 'j...
Tripscape postedHow do I initialize google maps place autocomplete stimulus controller in a tailwindcss-stimulus-components modal?
Z-index to the rescue! The Places Autocomplete was a lower z-index than the modal, so some CSS fixes that nicely by raising it over the z-index of the modal (which was 9999). Create app/javascript...
Chris Oliver replied • SolvedHow do I introduce a cookie consent banner in Rails 6?
Very good topic for a screencast + for JSP itself.
Tworedkites repliedHow i do two buttons and when i press them bouth then comes a text where it says hello.
Hi, I can only do one button and when i press the button it comes a I'm only 12 so my English is badtext where it says hello. But How i do two buttons and when i press them bouth then comes a text...
Joe18 postedWhat are the difference between Next.js vs. Nuxt.js vs. Nest.js
$container.isotope is not a function ruby on rails
I've solved the problem by using the compressed.js file (which has all the invididual js files compressed into one) instead the individual files. Even though the error is still visible in the inspe...
Owen repliedHow to order stimulus reflex morph asc?
GDPR and Rails 6
Hi Amanda. I got it working following rossta's advice stackoverflow: I did have to...
Mads Holm Oldfield Nielsen repliedHow do I hide fields based on option selected in dropdown
Dynamic Dropdown without JQuery
I have changed it a bit but the problem remains. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const optgroups1 = document.getElementById('pos_select').getElementsByTagName('optgrou...
Herbert Schmoll repliedAngular 8 with Rails 6?
the problem is related to html-loader, Html-loader version used should be noted, "^0.5.5" you can try this project :
Sami Dghim repliedWebpacker failing to compile environment.js after upgrade to webpacker 5.0 gem
It is happening to me as well but really cant sort it out at the moment. In my case what makes everything break is a npm package called active_storage_drag_and_drop
giovanni panasiti repliedHow do I switch off Devise authorization for API requests?
I have 2 URL's to access the same Rails application. One URL is internal to our network and does not require authentication. The other is accessible outside our network and does require authenticat...
William Jones postedWebpack and Purge CSS
Hi All, I am trying to purge my css as I am using tailwind as outlined in the video Chris did. I'm getting an error. **postcss.config.js** let environment = { plugins: [ require('tailwindcs...
Stephen Sizer postedwebpacker
I installed webpacker but when i start the server i get this Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError in Main#index, how do i get this out of the way it has gotten frustrating.
Muganda Dizo postedPopulate dropdowns based on selection with Stimulus JS
I worked this out for Stimulus Reflex. I know when I searched for this it landed me here initially. Here's a link to the repo i made demonstrating this:
Pete repliederror with purgecss and Tailwind 2
You're welcome and thanks for all the support! 🙏❤️ I think we didn't have the issue with Jumpstart Pro because I have some examples in the docs or something, so ours didn't get purged.
Chris Oliver replied