Detect Week Days
Hy to all! :) I have school application. In this app all rooms only work in especifc days "Tuesdays and Thursdays" for example. A need detect this days in month and put one checkbox for verfy st...
Jhonatan Petronilho postedHy to all! :) I have school application. In this app all rooms only work in especifc days "Tuesdays and Thursdays" for example. A need detect this days in month and put one checkbox for verfy st...
Jhonatan Petronilho postedIt's quite possible depending on your RubyMine settings. I had a similar issue with RubyMine in the past. One thing I'd check is to see what's in the Rubymine folder or whever is saves to. See if a...
Zanger02 repliedWould you please provide me more details? Where should I add this query? I would like to display selected rows or all rows based on the parameter. * For GET articles?special=false, return all ar...
mike zenon repliedI mananged to solve this. Here's what I did for anyone that comes across this in the future. Note in the `new` action I have `@note.build_chapter` rather than `` ``` class Book ...
Nino Rosella replied • SolvedJesper, thanks for the info.
Ryan Carter replied • SolvedDId you solve this yet?
Zanger02 repliedHi everyone, I'm working on a project since some time now and made up some authentication system from scratch thanks to Michael Hartl among other resources... I was just thinking about the idea to...
Damian Nelwep postedhow can I link user model table with another model table and based on current_user login I want to retrieve data from second table
Deepika postedfingers crossed they dont mess too much, could be a decent browser. I wish Google would reduce the resources used though, still a beast of a browser.
Alan Reid replied • SolvedSeems like the place holders where scrubbed. Logs are as follows: *Started POST "/items" for 10.20.450.160 at 2019-01-07 09:20:11* *Processing by ItemsController#create as JSON*
Srilekha Thirumalaisamy repliedHello, I'm getting ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken error, even after sending csrf token in the post request. On which cases, do i get this error can anyone please enlighten me. Thanks.
ravitej177 postedIf you put the images in your `app/assets/images` directory, then you should be able to call the image directly with no prefix in the path. ie. `image_url('logo.png')`
Alan Reid replied • SolvedYeah, I do use Capybara. I tend to stick with the Rails official testing tools, and their system tests are run with Capybara.
Chris Oliver repliedI have a view file index.html.erb in my view folder and there I am showing some data in the form of Table(bootstrap table) and this is a static table so I had to write so many lines of HTML for thi...
theshashiverma postedShort answer: by using `<%= javascript_include_tag 'admin', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>` and some conditional on the `application.html`. So if you're in the admin controller do displ...
Nelson replied • SolvedThank you!! Solved.
Arjun Rajkumar replied • SolvedI will give this a try, but i get the idea of having last 30 days as the default. It makes sense. I could use JSONB to store the visits i suppose, and just update them every few hours. Cheers Ch...
Alan Reid repliedYou should generate a users_controller which inherits from application_controllerand define there your custom show method. Don't forget to create a view and routes for it. Ex: #users_controller.rb...
kadammanali987 repliedgot the answer, needed to add one line to the new action in AccountsController ``` ```
Ryan Mindigo replied • SolvedThank you again this is perfectly what I needed. You're the best teacher I could ever dream of but I hope I don't bother you so much with my issues... By the way I think I would be interested in yo...
Damian Nelwep replied • Solved