iTunes Controller Code Review: Part 3 Discussion
Alrighty, source code is posted now! included some extra refactoring and goodies like a "help" command and a "url" command to open a url in Safari.
Chris Oliver repliedTesting API Requests Discussion
I am getting an error "Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound: no stubbed request for post" and cannot find anything that could be wrong. ######secret_test.rb######### ``` stub_token = stub_requ...
Miroslav Kralik postedHow to Build Custom ActiveRecord Validations Discussion
this is awesome
Cheree Shuler repliedWhy would I be receiving a NoMethoError when I try to go to the trips edit form?
Could you share the link to your code and exact error message? Without them we can just guess, not dig into the problem.
Masafumi Okura repliedAudio on a remote Server Windows ?
Login with Facebook Discussion
How to use Partials in Rails Discussion
The closing quotation mark is missing, and the backticks are misleading. (I'm guessing they were added for formatting markdown, but due to some change in the blog they are now appearing as visible...
Brandon postedERROR in chunk application [entry] js/[name]-[contenthash].js Cannot use [chunkhash] or [contenthash] for chunk in ....
@KeisukeMizuno your fix happens to remove the error. Thanks.
Barlow Kasule repliedMuliple has_one's on a polymorphic association
Caching with Etags Discussion
Hey Chris, thank you so much for making this tutorial :) This [post]( "post") illustrates one the drawbacks of this so...
Leon Entrup repliedGood guide for standing up a solid Ruby gem development environment in Visual Studio Code?
Thanks for sharing this information.,
tech solver repliedSearchkick Aggregations - Need to show Users only from Current.account
Awesome! I like when solutions are that easy. 🤘
Chris Oliver repliedHelp
How to Create an Active Storage Previewer Discussion
Useful video,thanks
henry water repliedSetup MacOS 11 Big Sur Discussion
Setup MacOS 12 Monterey Discussion
Business page with cms
Dynamic Authorization Roles with Pundit Discussion
Looking forward to your rolify/pundit episode.
Garth Gaughan repliedHow to build a wizard
FWIW. I have since built a SPA type approach for this that works really well, and the data is not stored in session which has it's own benefits. This said, I think an episode or even a series on t...
Bryan Beshore replied