Alan Reid


55,040 Experience
459 Lessons Completed
8 Questions Solved


Posted in Looking for Rails work? / Hiring Rails developers?

If you have a portfolio it would be handy to have links too ;) Great idea btw Chris.

Posted in Was wondering id there is a way i can simply this ...

your telling me!

I been added likes to my app, now i am adding follows using a variant of the code you showed for the likes. And now for some reason i can't get the JS bit to work haha you have to refresh the page for the follow to register.

Posted in Was wondering id there is a way i can simply this ...

Cheers buddy. haha you know when you spend so long looking at the code you mind just goes blank :o lol

Posted in Was wondering id there is a way i can simply this ...

I was wondering if there is any way I can simplify this code, Ideally, I don't want to be looking up brands that are associated with the user, i want to do it on hit.

#Gets the ID associated to the current user
brand_ids = current_user.brands.pluck(:id)

#Looks up the articles associated with this user.
@articles_count = Article.where(brand_id: brand_ids)

Thanks in advance

Posted in Create a welcome page with a tour/get started

You could add a Boolean field to your devise user table something like intro_viewed

Once they have done viewing the intro you could ping their user ID via and ajax request to a completed action where you update that field?

Or stick it in a cookie ;) no need to touch the DB then

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

See this is why I love this site. The community is fantastic!

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

haha Cheers guys :) Not to worry Jacob, thanks for your help mate, you made it easier for Chris really ;)

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

I can't seem to get that to work.

Basically @articles = Article.where(brand_id: brand_ids) returns a list of articles which have a brand_id.

What i want to do is use that brand_id to get the name of the brand from the brands table and return it as part of @articles at present i then need to look up the brand id within the article, using
<%= Brand.find(article.brand_id).name %>
and obviously as we get more articles this could have loads of DB calls which is not ideal haha :)

Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup

Hi all,
I am looking up a list of articles, depending on the brand ID's - @articles = Article.where(brand_id: brand_ids) what i would like to know is there a way to retrieve the brand name in this look up too so i don't have to do it later.

Maybe so it returns the article details + the brand name rather than the brand ID

Many thanks

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

I am trying to make sure a user is allowed to edit a product, however I'm not sure how i can check the user_brands table.

I have this check for the brands...

# Confirms the correct user.
    def user_allowed
      #Check to see if the user is allowed to access this brand
      @brands = current_user.brands.find_by(id: params[:id])
      # If they are not redirect them to thier brands managment page.
      redirect_to(brands_path) if @brands.nil?

How would i go about checking that a user is allowed to edit a brand? I have this which gets all products for a brand

@brand = Brand.find(params[:id])
@products = @brand.products.all

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

I am trying to make sure a user is allowed to edit a product, however I'm not sure how i can check the user_brands table.

I have this check for the brands...

# Confirms the correct user.
    def user_allowed
      #Check to see if the user is allowed to access this brand
      @brands = current_user.brands.find_by(id: params[:id])
      # If they are not redirect them to thier brands managment page.
      redirect_to(brands_path) if @brands.nil?

How would i go about checking that a user is allowed to edit a brand? I have this which gets all products for a brand

@brand = Brand.find(params[:id])
@products = @brand.products.all

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

hehehe :D <%= collection_select(:brand_id, 0, current_user.brands.all, :id, :name) %>

this is why i love Rails! that would take hours of coding in .NET!!

Posted in Has any installed macOS Sierra yet?

All installed and working fine, however still get the home-brew message about 10.12 :)

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

Now i have that sorted, i need to find out how to get the names of the brands for that user so that i can populate a select dropdown haha

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

sorted it :D
so its actually @brand = current_user.brands.create(brand_params) instead of new

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

i get this...

(byebug) @brand.user_brands
#<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy []>

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

na its not saving in the user_brands table but is saving the brand lol

I have reloaded the server too using rails s

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

I have this...

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :user_brands
  has_many :brands, through: :user_brands
class UserBrand < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :brand
  belongs_to :user
class Brand < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :user_brands
  has_many :users
  has_many :products
  mount_uploader :logo, PictureUploader

My migration was like this...

class CreateUserBrands < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    create_table :user_brands do |t|
      t.references :user, foreign_key: true
      t.references :brand, foreign_key: true


My create method

def create
    @brand =
      flash[:success] = "Brand added!! :D"
      redirect_to root_url
      render 'new'

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

Ok I had created my model wrong Userbrands instead of UserBrands.

Its now creating the brand still, but not adding in the user_id and brand_id to the user_brands table

Posted in How do i save a field in a separate table?

I am getting this error, what could i be missing?

NameError in BrandsController#create
uninitialized constant User::UserBrand

def create
    @brand =  <--- this line?
      flash[:success] = "Brand added!! :D"
      redirect_to root_url