If you have a portfolio it would be handy to have links too ;) Great idea btw Chris.
your telling me!
I been added likes to my app, now i am adding follows using a variant of the code you showed for the likes. And now for some reason i can't get the JS bit to work haha you have to refresh the page for the follow to register.
Cheers buddy. haha you know when you spend so long looking at the code you mind just goes blank :o lol
I was wondering if there is any way I can simplify this code, Ideally, I don't want to be looking up brands that are associated with the user, i want to do it on hit.
#Gets the ID associated to the current user
brand_ids = current_user.brands.pluck(:id)
#Looks up the articles associated with this user.
@articles_count = Article.where(brand_id: brand_ids)
Thanks in advance
You could add a Boolean field to your devise user table something like intro_viewed
Once they have done viewing the intro you could ping their user ID via and ajax request to a completed action where you update that field?
Or stick it in a cookie ;) no need to touch the DB then
Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup
See this is why I love this site. The community is fantastic!
Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup
haha Cheers guys :) Not to worry Jacob, thanks for your help mate, you made it easier for Chris really ;)
Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup
I can't seem to get that to work.
Basically @articles = Article.where(brand_id: brand_ids)
returns a list of articles which have a brand_id
What i want to do is use that brand_id
to get the name
of the brand from the brands table and return it as part of @articles
at present i then need to look up the brand id within the article, using
<%= Brand.find(article.brand_id).name %>
and obviously as we get more articles this could have loads of DB calls which is not ideal haha :)
Posted in Pull data from another table in a lookup
Hi all,
I am looking up a list of articles, depending on the brand ID's - @articles = Article.where(brand_id: brand_ids)
what i would like to know is there a way to retrieve the brand name in this look up too so i don't have to do it later.
Maybe so it returns the article details + the brand name rather than the brand ID
Many thanks
I am trying to make sure a user is allowed to edit a product, however I'm not sure how i can check the user_brands table.
I have this check for the brands...
# Confirms the correct user.
def user_allowed
#Check to see if the user is allowed to access this brand
@brands = current_user.brands.find_by(id: params[:id])
# If they are not redirect them to thier brands managment page.
redirect_to(brands_path) if @brands.nil?
How would i go about checking that a user is allowed to edit a brand? I have this which gets all products for a brand
@brand = Brand.find(params[:id])
@products = @brand.products.all
I am trying to make sure a user is allowed to edit a product, however I'm not sure how i can check the user_brands table.
I have this check for the brands...
# Confirms the correct user.
def user_allowed
#Check to see if the user is allowed to access this brand
@brands = current_user.brands.find_by(id: params[:id])
# If they are not redirect them to thier brands managment page.
redirect_to(brands_path) if @brands.nil?
How would i go about checking that a user is allowed to edit a brand? I have this which gets all products for a brand
@brand = Brand.find(params[:id])
@products = @brand.products.all
hehehe :D <%= collection_select(:brand_id, 0, current_user.brands.all, :id, :name) %>
this is why i love Rails! that would take hours of coding in .NET!!
Posted in Has any installed macOS Sierra yet?
All installed and working fine, however still get the home-brew message about 10.12 :)
Now i have that sorted, i need to find out how to get the names of the brands for that user so that i can populate a select dropdown haha
sorted it :D
so its actually @brand = current_user.brands.create(brand_params)
instead of new
i get this...
(byebug) @brand.user_brands
#<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy []>
na its not saving in the user_brands
table but is saving the brand lol
I have reloaded the server too using rails s
I have this...
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :user_brands
has_many :brands, through: :user_brands
class UserBrand < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :brand
belongs_to :user
class Brand < ApplicationRecord
has_many :user_brands
has_many :users
has_many :products
mount_uploader :logo, PictureUploader
My migration was like this...
class CreateUserBrands < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
def change
create_table :user_brands do |t|
t.references :user, foreign_key: true
t.references :brand, foreign_key: true
My create method
def create
@brand =
flash[:success] = "Brand added!! :D"
redirect_to root_url
render 'new'
Ok I had created my model wrong Userbrands
instead of UserBrands
Its now creating the brand still, but not adding in the user_id and brand_id to the user_brands
I am getting this error, what could i be missing?
NameError in BrandsController#create
uninitialized constant User::UserBrand
def create
@brand = <--- this line?
flash[:success] = "Brand added!! :D"
redirect_to root_url