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Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

I ended up having to update my test project to only use loading of turbo-rails through the tag helper...after I did that it worked as it did before

Posted in How to use Hotwire in Rails Discussion

It seems that upgrading past turbo-rails version 0.5.3 is an issue. Using tips from this episode, form submission is now submitting as html again instead of TURBO_STREAM. This causes an issue when create needs to re-render on save failure as seen in this path -

Anyone else have issues when using turbo-rails 0.5.4 and up? The change seems to be around this commit

Posted in How to use Devise with Hotwire & Turbo.js Discussion

I had the same issue. Loading issue concerning application controller.

I put the turbo controller in the controllers dir in turbo_controller.rb and issue was resolved

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Stimulus JS Discussion

interesting replacement for cocoon. Wondering, does anyone see something here that cocoon does cover and this does not? Weighing options here, and want to be wary of moving away from the mature cocoon implementation and perhaps missing some implicit functionality it offers, gotchas, etc that this may not cover.

side note:
I have implemented a text_field_tag version of this using stimulus where it wasn't attached to a nested association directly and used a similar setup to this...template is a cool alternative to building the inputs in JS - thanks!