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Silly me, too fast to try it.
It is solved :)
Hi Chris, team and everyone who'll see it.
Any idea why I keep getting this error when trying to enter 'rails g AddUserIdToLinks user_id:integer' ?
Could not find generator 'AddUserIdToLinks'. (Rails::Command::CorrectableNameError)
Posted in Base62 Decoding Short Codes Discussion
Hey buddy!
I mean at 00:25 Chris selecting word "encode" and changing it live to "decode" using some sort of selection.
Any idea what hotkeys he use?
Posted in Base62 Decoding Short Codes Discussion
Hi Chris!
What commands are you using to replace words in selection?
Thx in advance!
Posted in Classes & Objects in Ruby Discussion
Hey Collin!
My question may be somewhat plain and stupid, but what are your extensions (or what you would recommend for learning path) and theme for VS Code for today?
Sorry if it looks dumb.
Many thanks in advance!