Posted in Docker Basics for Rails Discussion
Great episode thanks Chris!
Is there another one on Docker for deploying in production?
Update: the problem was a typo in app/views/users/_user.json.jbuilder
, instead of defining sgid
I wrote sgsid
I'm having trouble with saving mentions in the controller. When I do post_params
I get
#<ActionController::Parameters {"body"=>"<div><figure data-trix-attachment=\"{"content":"<span class=\\"mention\\">\\n Jon Doe\\n</span>\\n"}\" data-trix-content-type=\"undefined\" class=\"attachment attachment--content\"><span class=\"mention\">\r\n John Doe\r\n</span>\r\n<figcaption class=\"attachment__caption\"></figcaption></figure> is awesome</div>"} permitted: true>
Then I create the post Post.create kudo_params
. And when I do Post.last.body
I get
"<div class=\"trix-content\">\n <div> is awesome</div>\n</div>\n"
Where has the mention gone?, it disappeared and survived just the text. The whole text was @John Doe is awesome
. Any help is welcomed!