Webpack assets doesn't work after deployment
Thanks again. I really appreciate your help and the help of the community.
Juan S. Caro replied • SolvedDirect File Uploads to S3: Part 1 Discussion
Is it bad to give AmazonS3FullAcces to user?
Vladyslav Knysh repliedWebpacker noob - so I saw your video and im using rails 6
Figured it out application.js ``` var jQueryBridget = require('jquery-bridget'); var Isotope = require('isotope-layout'); jQueryBridget( 'isotope', Isotope, $ ); ``` Sheesh !
Gus P replied • SolvedHelp with using FFmpeg and Ruby Rails
Hey all. I'm new to Ruby / Rails and I am doing a project where I need to upload a video into a Rails web app which would take screen shots, process them put them back together https://reversephone...
TrevorGage postedWebsockets with Rails(Passenger) - Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
I have also looked into the production.log on the server and this is the error that was recorded: ``` WebSocket error occurred: One or more reserved bits are on: reserved1 = 1, reserved2 = 0, rese...
Rizal Yusoff repliedError 500 on Heroku (app Ruby on Rails)
How to use the Pay gem to accept Payments in Rails Discussion
How do we add the redirect url after Stripe payment?
Christopher Lam repliedWhy this error ? how I fix this.
No, I doesn't know this.
Thomaz Wanderbruck Schmidt repliedIntroduction to Stimulus Reflex Discussion
Absolutely -- yes -- more videos on Simulus Reflex, please :)
Jason Eastwood repliedHow to have one application for multiple URL's
You can use `request.domain` to check the current domain and query your database for the account & logo you need to show.
Chris Oliver replied • SolvedHow to test helpers in Rails with Devise current_user and ActionView::TestCase Discussion
How to write System Tests in Rails Discussion
For anyone using i18n you can do something like this: ``` require "application_system_test_case" class AccountsTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase test "Can register for an account" do visi...
Brian Gilbank repliedSlow jobs on Sidekiq
In my application I have a job which makes several database queries (mysql) to recalculate certain fields of a model. (A kind of counter_caches). Launching individually these methods take about 10...
Roberto Hugo Menéndez postedInfinite Scroll in Rails with Stimulus.js Discussion
So for everyone on Rails7, the Rails.ajax method does not work anymore. At least for me this was the case. Therefore, you can simply switch the infinite_scroll_controller to a fetch method: loa...
Kevin Urbaum repliedRealtime browser updates with Cable Ready Discussion
Is there a way to create a channel that only broadcasts to a specific signed in user? For example just send the broadcast to the user who created the card instead of everyone currently connected to...
Joseph Clarke repliedHow to use Bootstrap with Webpack & Rails Discussion
Also going to add that I had issues with the tooltips triggering after I left the page and came back so to help with any conflicts with Turbolinks I changed addEventLstener to: document.addEventL...
bradley repliedMultiuser Live Video Chat in Rails Discussion
Trying to emulate `belongs_to trough` using `has_one trough` but having problems?.
Omegle Random Chat Alternative
jesusjavier repliedAre "nonclass singleton methods as rare as class methods are common"
In his 2011 book "Eloquent Ruby", Russ Olsen makes the states that "nonclass singleton methods [he refers to instance methods] are as rare as class methods are common." He makes the point that th...
TrevorGage posted