File Uploads with Refile Discussion
Thank you so many times over. This was a life saver!
Jake Yeaton repliedrails 6 favicon.ico Webpacker can't find favicon.ico
Check this article looks like it contained the answer to your question. By default, the helper in Rails looks ...
Stéphane Paquet repliedDebugging need help
[AskJS] Are there Babel plugins that optimize code for special use cases?
I really, really don't like the idea of modifying the iterator prototype for these cases. And honestly I don't think they are really necessary. Yes, map, filter etc. should return the type they are...
aostv repliedHow do I find a Rails mentor?
Hi Daniel, I've 35+ years of software engineering experience and long time with rails. The last 15 years where mainly architecting software. Please contact me by private mail to
Peter vande Put repliedTrix editor is not displaying properly in Rails 6
Thank you Drew for your response. I did update webpacker, but the error persists.
Rajiv repliedDisplaying an address from a selected location
I'm stumbling over the grouped_options_for_select here. Could you give me a hand in translating this into a regular select? I'm having a dumb blonde moment. `<%= f.grouped_collection_select ...
shakycode repliedHow to build a GCS file browser & manager in Rails?
Hi Chris, Awesome work with GoRails!!! I'm a big fan! I'd like to build a Google Cloud Storage bucket file browser and manager. The key features would be browsing files on the bucket and downloa...
Adam Decker postedHow do I get the dropdown menu to show the selected after the page refreshes
Hello ~ I have been trying to figure out how to get the dropdown menu like the one in this forum to show the category after the page refreshes ~ I have been trying to do it using javascript and boo...
JP postedPayment Rails Master Class (SCA) ready?
How to run rails initialization code that relies on all classes being loaded?
Is there an episode on Post Production Updates?
Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Thanks for answering!
Sheryl James repliedActive Storage, AWS S3 and Cloudfront
Here's what worked for me: I chose to abandon ActiveStorage completely (don't worry, this makes things easier). Once the upload button is clicked on the client, a GET /presigned_url is sent to the ...
Noredeen Al-Zu'bi repliedUser_signed_in? doesnt work
Setup Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Discussion
Thanks for this guide!
Chibuike Uzoechina repliedSperate views for differernt category
I have a rails blog with categories and I'd like to create a seperate partial for each category. Can anyone help?
Brijesh Wawdhane postedTesting against multiple versions of Ruby, Rails, and Databases with GitHub Actions Discussion
Rails for Beginners Part 31: Tweet Partial Discussion
Hi Chris, in video at 4:00 in tweet model. You use self.publish_at in after_initialize but only tweet_id? in published? Why is one with self and other is not with self?
Jaroslav Horák repliednanotape
Depiction The stickiest tape you've at any point utilized! Nanotape is presumably the most grounded, generally sturdy, and unquestionably the most valuable sticky tape you will at any point get y...
nanomagictape posted