Methods & Functions in Ruby Discussion
My comment's gonna be the first
A. postedMy comment's gonna be the first
A. postedvideo needs to be updated for better understanding.
phanilkumar repliedi got "this site can't be reached" when i check using sudo systemctl status nginx: active (running) since Tue 2024-04-16 11:08:56 UTC; 27min ago deploy@srv508193:~$ sudo ufw status Status: activ...
Hamdan M repliedNice video, Collin! One thing I might add is how to get into a debug console when you're running the default bin/dev script. I spin up another console and run "bundle exec rdbg -a" to attach to t...
davidlbean repliedThis took me 11 tries to get working. Here are the errors I ran into along with solutions. Error 1: /home/runner/work/_temp/ line 1: bin/rails: Permission d...
hje repliedThe fact that operators are actually methods just blew my mind!
A. repliedIn this lesson you tell about brackets usage for better understanding that methods take arguments. puts "text".count "a" - looks like syntax sugar, and it seems like this can lead to misunderstandi...
A. repliedPosting here in case anyone else ran into the issue where they tried to run a test, but got the error of having pending database migrations (also after running db:migrate). For me what helped is r...
hje postedWe are upgrading the app from Rails 6 to 7. i want to use JSbundling and import maps together
Syed Toqeer Abbas postedThanks for the article! We ended up going with a Concern to keep with the spirit of the update and only whitelisting needed models
Aris Turner repliedFollow the [GoRails Learning Path](
Chris Oliver repliedhello i have this issue with postgres. I have manjaro (linux base) when i make the rails app i cannot connect the postgres with the rails app and research how to configure the database but i don't...
Raul Gracia repliedI make a change to use Sidekiq retry class SendWebhookJob < ApplicationJob WebhookNotFound = retry_on WebhookNotFound queue_as :default MAX_RETRIES = 10 de...
Jean Carlo repliedim using rails 7 when Im going on new_admin_invitation_path this route then getting 401 unauthorized error and its redirected me to sign_in page
nikhil kumawat repliedThis works for me, I hope it helps.
vocal keny repliedTo whom it may concern, make sure your redis-server is running and the you update the development adapter to redis with the URL in cable.yml if turbo is not working as expected. Thanks for the less...
Kamalanathan Sogathur Govindan replied