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How can I render \\n as newlines in <pre><code> elements?

no-name asked in Ruby

I need to render the post's body as HTML, but as it is given to me, it has some "\n", "\r" and "\t" characters. How can I replace them with newlines, carriage return and tab characters respectively? For example:


renders as:

<p>I am trying to send my kubernetes logs to s3 using logstash(v5.4.3) and logstash-output-s3 (5.0.7). logstash is creating logstash-programmatic-access-test-object but not the actual log files. Below are my input and output configurations.</p>\\n\\n<pre><code>input {\\n  file {\\n    # kubelet created symlinks to docker container logs\\n    path =&gt; \"/var/log/containers/*.log\"\\n    tags =&gt; [\"kubernetes\", \"docker\"]\\n    sincedb_path =&gt; \"/var/log/containers/sincedb-kubernetes\"\\n  }\\n}\\n\\noutput {\\n  if \"kubernetes\" and \"docker\" in [tags] {\\n     s3{\\n      access_key_id =&gt; \"XXXXXXXXXX\"\\n      secret_access_key =&gt; \"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\\n      region =&gt; \"us-east-1\"\\n      bucket =&gt; \"nonapp-logs\"\\n      size_file =&gt; 2048\\n      time_file =&gt; 5\\n      prefix =&gt; \"non-app-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}\"\\n      canned_acl =&gt; \"private\"\\n      server_side_encryption =&gt; true\\n    }\\n  }\\n}\\n</code></pre>\\n

However, I want it as:

<p>I am trying to send my kubernetes logs to s3 using logstash(v5.4.3) and logstash-output-s3 (5.0.7). logstash is creating logstash-programmatic-access-test-object but not the actual log files. Below are my input and output configurations.</p>

<pre><code>input {
  file {
    # kubelet created symlinks to docker container logs
    path =&gt; "/var/log/containers/*.log"
    tags =&gt; ["kubernetes", "docker"]
    sincedb_path =&gt; "/var/log/containers/sincedb-kubernetes"

output {
  if "kubernetes" and "docker" in [tags] {
      access_key_id =&gt; "XXXXXXXXXX"
      secret_access_key =&gt; "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
      region =&gt; "us-east-1"
      bucket =&gt; "nonapp-logs"
      size_file =&gt; 2048
      time_file =&gt; 5
      prefix =&gt; "non-app-logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
      canned_acl =&gt; "private"
      server_side_encryption =&gt; true

I have used simple_format(@post.body, {}, sanitize: false), but it renders links, etc. and doesn't remove those characters \n, \t and \r.

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